The FDA and Monsanto have been sharing “talent” for quite a few years. Folks like to work for Monsanto then they apparently find employment opportunities at the FDA where they can promote Monsanto’s products, then rotate back into the fold, until their special talents are needed again… kinda like a sleeper cell.
Michael Taylor, a lawyer who began his career at the FDA in 1976 personifies this “revolving door” phenomenon better than anyone else. Following his stint at the FDA Taylor worked for a law firm which represented the Monsanto Corporation. During his tenure at the law firm from 1984 to 1991 he prepared a memo for Monsanto as to the constitutionality of state’s adoption of laws that would allow milk to be labeled free of synthetic hormones and also whether or not Monsanto could sue states, and dairies as well, that chose to differentiate between the products via labels.
In 1991 the FDA welcomed Taylor back, even created a new special position for him: Deputy Commissioner for Policy. Overnight he became the point man for fast-tracking Genetically Modified Organisms (genetically engineered food). He brushed aside the concerns of FDA scientists, eliminated references to the negative effects of GMOS, and by golly, Monsanto got their stuff approved! (What’s that reference to having friends in high places?) He wrote the FDA’s synthetic hormone labeling guidelines in 1994- virtually prohibiting dairy corporations from making the distinction between milk with and without the drug. (Remember that memo he prepared while he was an attorney working for Monsanto?) He wanted to avoid the stigmatization of the product, or more correctly stated, wanted to keep the consumer in the dark as to what he/she was buying. That same year it was publicized that Taylor had worked for the Monsanto Corporation as a lawyer for seven years. Oh, not to worry! The FDA doesn’t care and nobody much will tell the American public. From 1994 – 1996 he worked at the USDA in food safety(?) and inspection services. He then rotated back into the Monsanto Corporation as the Vice President for Public Policy and lobbyist. Well, he’s gone, right? No! He’s baaaa-aaack! President Obama appointed Taylor as “Advisor to the FDA Commissioner as a food safety expert.” Wait, he’s a lawyer. A lawyer has a background in law, not science, not public health, not …. Oh never mind! His new duties include planning implementation of “new food safety legislation”. Hey, Mr. Taylor, what about antibiotics in our milk, in our meat, cancer causing hormones in our food? Legislation, yes- safety, not so much. Tomorrow more shared talent at the FDA and who ultimately stood up to Monsanto.
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