Yes, the FDA bans these products, prohibits possession of the candies, and denies Americans the privilege of buying these dangers and transporting them across the borders of the United States and into this country. The Italian candy company Ferrero manufactures the candies in various plants throughout the world and incredibly sells them worldwide. The egg is about the size of a large chicken egg. It is purchased foil-wrapped. Upon unwrapping the egg, a chocolate shell is revealed. When the chocolate shell has been consumed one finds a plastic container with the toy within. According to reports, the plastic shell with the toy inside is not easily opened. The toy is sometimes made up of small parts that must be assembled into the actual “prize”, if you will. Apparently this is way too dangerous for Americans and the FDA is saving us from ourselves…. Except that there is a Chinese-made copycat product which is much more readily available on American store shelves. Gee, I hope THOSE toys don’t contain lead!
So while giant animal feedlots feed millions of tons of antibiotics to animals that wind up on our tables for consumption, and the big biotechs screw around with the very basic composition of our food down to its genetic make-up, and dairy farmers shoot-up their milk cows with hormones and feed ‘em antibiotics, the FDA outlaws the sale of chocolate eggs. Would somebody please explain this to me????? Wait- I've got it! Ferrero, the chocolate egg manufacturer, isn’t funneling tons of cash into the grimy, greedy hands of Congress and the MonsanFDAto!
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