Wow, now I learn of another “healthy” food that isn’t so healthy after all. Soy- it’s a big cash crop. It’s being forced down our unknowing throats in so many forms… starting with infant formula, to the unhealthy oil our fast food and snacks are fried in, to veggie burgers- we’re ingesting tons of it, quite literally. It’s good for us, right? NO! No way! I’ve read various sources over a period of time which state that it’s bad for men because one of its components is similar to estrogen and men are not at their optimal when they are ingesting estrogen… they don’t feel well and it’s not healthy for them. And “they” are putting it in our food without our knowledge. The Japanese are known as very healthy people usually and they eat soy… tempeh, tofu, soy sauce. What about that? The Japanese and the Chinese FERMENT their soy products; they do not eat the form of soy being shoved down our throats. Their soy products are not produced in massive industrial plants; their soy products are produced the age-old and proven way. Now if all this soy weren’t bad enough, Monsanto sticks their dirty hands in the mix and comes up with an even worse form of soy- Genetically Modified Soy, FrankenSoy (that’s not the product’s name but it should be.) Monsanto, whose genius lies in taking a healthy food and turning it into something that’s not (because they can make tons of money at it… and sure do) have genetically altered soy so that it’s even worse for our health. So now we have a legume processed in such a way that it is unhealthy, and is genetically mutated in such a way that we don’t even know all the foul effects it has on our health, but hey, they’re making good money at it, at our expense, and GREED wins the day. More on genetically altered soy later.
I too have been fooled about the health benefits of "Soy" I am glad you are helping more people to be aware. Keep up the good work...