In the early months of 2011 news stories started circulating about a letter sent by Professor Emeritus Don Huber, a research scientist at Purdue University, to Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture. Dr. Huber states that at this time his research is incomplete but that there appears to be a link between infertility in farm animals who ingest genetically modified foods- chicken embryos infected with a certain organism are destroyed in 24 - 48 hours of coming into contact with it; 20 - 55% of heifers are miscarrying; and that these genetically modified plants do not carry the nutrients they should be carrying. The following is a link to ABC news, an Australian news source. (guess that's why they call it "Perdue" University!) You can read the text of the article at this link and also click on the audio portions of the story. Six of Huber's former colleagues at Purdue have stated they have problems with his findings while an equal number are standing by him. It should be noted that the scientific community has deep concerns where genetically altered food is concerned. Eight hundred twenty-eight scientists representing eighty-four countries have signed an open letter expressing grave concerns with GM food
Perhaps Monsanto needs to rescind the agreement they make farmers sign- that they cannot give so much as a handful of seed to a lab to conduct tests. With openness and transparency, testing could be done. I just keep wondering why they don't want that testing done. It would remove all the questions and the concerns, or would it reveal that a terrible mistake has been made and we've all been fed potentially dangerous food?
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