Monday, June 20, 2011

Genetically Altered Soy

Soy, that ubiquitous legume that's touted as being wonderful and so healthy for us.  Look out into the fields as you drive country roads.  Chances are you'll see corn and soybeans- bet they're GMOs- genetically altered organisms.  It is estimated that 93% of US grown soy is GMO.  Soy is touted as a nutritious food and it's being added to our food supply in so many myriad ways- it's being put in 60 to 70% of all processed foods.  Let's look at the claim that it's a healthy addition to the diet.  Al Sears, MD in a June 1, 2011 newsletter Al Sears, MD June 1, 2011 newsletter points out that researchers have found that GMO foods are linked to infertility, weakened immune systems, accelerated aging, genetic problems with cholesterol and insulin production, and liver, kidney and gastro-intestinal systems diseases.  Apparently these studies follow people who consume genetically altered foods.  Monsanto doesn't allow scientific testing on its seed.  To conduct tests a lab must have access to the seed, but to get the seed they must sign an "end-user agreement" which forbids testing of the seed or comparison with other products!!! Not exactly convinced of the safety of their products, I'd guess. Now look at the USDA and the Secretary of Ag himself, the guy responsible for the agency and its decisions.  His name is Tom Vilsack.  He's a politician who was the governor of Iowa for two terms.  One of the first things he did as governor was to back Trans Ova a company which wanted to clone cows.  He is a supporter of corn- and soy-based biofuels, an industry that reportedly uses as much or more fossil energy in the production of the biofuels than is produced.  Net effect, biofuel production jacks up food prices resulting in heftier pricetags for all and hungry poor folks being priced out of the market.  In 2005 as Iowa governor he vetoed legislation that would have allowed local government a say on regulating where genetically altered seed could be sown, being banned altogether, and the option of designating buffer zones.  He was named Governor of the Year by the Biotechnology Industry Organization.  Tom's a shill for Monsanto and now he's top dog at the USDA. Hey- but we've got the FDA in our corner- they're lookin' out for us right? Wrong! Check out my blog on Antibiotics in our meat.  Since 1977 the FDA hasn't budged an inch in the direction of food safety in our meat supply coming out of CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations- those gigantic feedlots covering thousands of acres).  The FDA allows harmful antibiotics in our meat.  Michael Taylor was appointed Deputy Commissioner of Foods at the FDA in 2010.  We've got yet another fox guarding the henhouse.  Taylor has been rotating positions between Monsanto and the USDA, Monsanto and the FDA- back and forth.  Isn't that a conflict of interest?  Wouldn't a judge, for instance, be expected to recuse her/himself in a situation like this?  (Is it a question of integrity?)  Where is his allegiance?  Apparently not with the American consumer.  Next time, more on soy and how to avoid it.

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