Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Food Police- The Movie!

Our right to purchase safe, unadulterated food from farmers is being abridged by these agencies- the FDA and the USDA.  More and more folks give up the struggle to maintain the family farm every year- between high taxes, weather- drought and flooding, crop disease, low prices, and being hassled by state and federal agencies.  Eighty-eight percent of dairy farmers alone have left dairy farming since 1970.  Factory farms seemingly flourish while our food is awash in hormones and antibiotics.  The pollution from giant manure pits taints wells and fouls streams.  Small family farms are increasingly put out of business because they just can’t compete with the big guys.

Rather than keep our food safe from additives and genetic manipulation, instead of guarding the wholesomeness and purity of food, these agencies allow huge mega-corporations to manipulate the system, dictate policy, pollute the environment and degrade our food supply while these government agencies single out small struggling family farms as targets for their selective enforcement of ridiculous, outdated laws. 

The allegiance of these government agencies  is to big-agribusiness, not to your well-being.  I personally do not have problems with a government agency keeping me safe.  I have huge problems with agencies that purport to maintain the safety of the food we eat but take orders from the exact people they should be watching.  (Check out my post from July 13- The FDA protects big biotechs, not you!)

If you would like to see a film that deals with these issues, check out Farmageddon: The unseen war on American family farms .  There you can view the trailer of the new, independent movie Farmaggedon and check to see if/when the film will be playing in your area.  No, this movie will definitely NOT be released  in lots of theaters across this country!  This is truly a subject that lots of people do NOT want us to see. 

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