Friday, July 15, 2011

Shuddup and drink your milk!

Shuddup and drink your milk!  I think that’s the message we’re being sent by the FDA and Elanco, the manufacturer of the synthetic growth hormone Posilac.  If you don’t like it, too bad.   Well  I don’t like it and I won’t buy it.

This whole story makes me very angry.  When I set out researching the subject at the urging of a couple friends, I had no idea of the magnitude of the subject.  The more checking I did the more information I was finding.  What really gets me so angry is that the whole story is so OLD and I was relatively unaware of any of this prior to my digging.  I realize part of the fault is definitely mine.  I’ve never been too concerned about food safety before.  I always placed my trust in the FDA and the USDA and all the other organizations we tax payers foot the bill for.  I thought they had our backs.  Antibiotics in our meat supply was something I was somewhat familiar with, but OMG, this whole antibiotics/hormone/genetically modified organisms thing is like a pus oozing cancer, just waiting to burst open on all of us.  The research just isn’t there.  They don’t know if it’s safe and yet we’re eating it!

We have to question things.  It’s very evident there aren’t any questions being asked or truthfully answered at the FDA.  There is a lot of money involved because these are some HUGE companies with really deep pockets.  Monsanto would not have us question the safety of its products.  Monsanto made Agent Orange, PCBs and dioxin.  The government said they were safe.  Monsanto said they were safe.  Yet they’re among some of the most horrific things that have been visited on us, aren’t they?  Now we know more questions should have been asked.  Now we’re wiser, …. aren’t we?

So what am I doing about it- meaning the lack of standards, the laws being adjusted to suit big agribusiness and big biotechnology companies?  For one thing I’m spending my food dollars a lot more judiciously.  I’m buying free-range and grass-fed when I can (and I’m buying bison meat, too).  When I can’t, I just cut back on my purchases- some days going meatless.  I buy organic dairy products and eggs now and organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible.  And I’m alerting you to what’s going on with our food supply, too, so you can be in the know.  So what are you doing about it? 

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